artigo recomendado

Bolognesi, B., Ribeiro, E., & Codato, A.. (2023). A New Ideological Classification of Brazilian Political Parties. Dados, 66(2), e20210164. Just as democratic politics changes, so does the perception about the parties out of which it is composed. This paper’s main purpose is to provide a new and updated ideological classification of Brazilian political parties. To do so, we applied a survey to political scientists in 2018, asking them to position each party on a left-right continuum and, additionally, to indicate their major goal: to pursue votes, government offices, or policy issues. Our findings indicate a centrifugal force acting upon the party system, pushing most parties to the right. Furthermore, we show a prevalence of patronage and clientelistic parties, which emphasize votes and offices rather than policy. keywords: political parties; political ideology; survey; party models; elections

7 de janeiro de 2007

Paradigm Lost: state theory reconsidered By Peter Bratsis, Stanley Aronowitz (eds.)

Pelo projeto Google Book Search agora é possível ter acesso ao conteúdo do livro.
Veja o chap. 2:

CODATO, Adriano ; PERISSINOTTO, Renato Monseff . The State and Contemporary Political Theory: Lessons from Marx. In: Stanley Aronowitz; Peter Bratsis (eds.). Paradigm Lost: State Theory Reconsidered. 1 ed. Minneapolis (MN - EUA): University of Minnesota Press, 2002, v. 1, p. 53-72.

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