27 de março de 2022

O poder dos Cabeças do Congresso

[Salão Verde, Câmara dos Deputados, Brasil. 

The paper analyzes Brazilian Federal Deputies elected in 2014 and rewarded as “Heads” of Congress, i.e., those congressmen indicated by the Intersyndical Department of Parliamentary Assistance (DIAP) as the most active in the 55th legislature in Brazil (2015-2018). 

Considering DIAP’s awards as an indirect indicator of relevance and influence in the Legislature, this study investigates the relationship between being or not a “Head” of the National Congress and the political ambition of the deputy (whether progressive, static, or regressive) and then if this political capital becomes into competitive advantages in subsequent electoral contests (2016, 2018 and 2020). 

Chi-square independence tests showed that there is an association between ambition type and political capital in the 2018 general election (p < 0.001) and 2020 municipal election (p < 0.031), but not in the 2016 municipal election (p < 0.450). 

Relative risk and odds ratio tests revealed that there is no positive effect between being classified as a congressional political leader and good electoral performance for the group under analysis.

Como citar:

Sainz, N., Codato, A., Gabriel, G., & Miranda, V. (2022). O poder dos Cabeças do Congresso: a ambição política e as chances eleitorais dos premiados do DIAP. E-Legis, 15(37), 58–78. https://e-legis.camara.leg.br/cefor/index.php/e-legis/article/view/749 https://doi.org/10.51206/elegis.v15i37.749

Research Gate (english version) [PDF]
Academia. edu (english version) [PDF]

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