13 de dezembro de 2016

senadores brasileiros: da democracia à ditadura

[Palácio Monroe, 
antiga sede do Senado Federal.
Rio de Janeiro] 

novo artigo:

Adriano Codato, Luiz Domingos Costa, Lucas Massimo, Flavio Heinz.
Regime político e recrutamento parlamentar: um retrato coletivo dos senadores brasileiros antes e depois da ditadura. Revista de Sociologia e Política (Online), v. 24, n. 60 p. 47-68, 2016. DOI 10.1590/1678-987316246005

Political Regime and Parliamentary Recruitment in Brazil: A Collective Profile of Senators before and afterthe Dictatorship


The article rebuilds the collective profiles of the Brazilian Senate benches in three periods: the populist democracy (1945-1964) , themilitary dictatorship (1964-1979) and the regime of transition to liberal democracy (1979-1990). The time frame takes into accountthree party systems: multipartisan (1945-1965), bipartisan (1965-1979) and multiparty one more time (1979 ahead). The hypothesisweseekto test is thefollowing:changesin thesocialprofileandtheprofileof thepoliticalcareerof parliamentariansshould berelatedto the type of political regime and, more specifically, with the then current party system. In the case analyzed here, is assumed the at-tributes of Brazilian Senate members elected under a system of several competing parties must be distinct from attributes of thoseelected under bipartisanship – even though the electoral rules were the same. In order to analyze the impact of the changes in condi-tions for access the upper chamber 351 senators were studied. The data shows these representativeshad the profile of their careersse-verely affected by variations in the parameters of political competition imposed by the military dictatorship. The narrowing of opportunity structure, a straight effect of bipartisan system, was responsible for harming competitors without major political experi-ence.With the reintroductionof multiparty politics in the 1982 elections,the characteristicsof these parliamentarycareerscamebackto the previous profile previous to 1964.

KEYWORDS: Federal Senate; parliamentary recruitment; political career; political regime; party system.





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