1 de outubro de 2022

Uma Nova Classificação Ideológica dos Partidos Políticos Brasileiros

[The Flerlage Twins] 

Just as democratic politics changes, so does the perception about the parties out of which it is composed. This paper’s main purpose is to provide a new and updated ideological classification of Brazilian political parties. To do so, we applied a survey to political scientists in 2018, asking them to position each party on a left-right continuum and, additionally, to indicate their major goal: to pursue votes, government offices, or policy issues. Our findings indicate a centrifugal force acting upon the party system, pushing most parties to the right. Furthermore, we show a prevalence of patronage and clientelistic parties, which emphasize votes and offices rather than policy.

Assim como a política democrática se modifica, a percepção sobre os partidos que ela compõe também se altera. O objetivo desse trabalho é oferecer uma classificação ideológica nova e atualizada dos partidos políticos brasileiros. Através de um survey aplicado à comunidade de cientistas políticos em 2018, pedimos que classificassem os partidos na dimensão esquerda-direita e também quanto ao seu principal objetivo: a persecução de votos, de posições de governo ou de políticas. Os resultados apontam para um movimento centrífugo do sistema partidário, com a maioria dos partidos caminhando para a direita, e para o predomínio de partidos que podem ser classificados como fisiológicos, priorizando a díade votos-cargos e desprezando a programaticidade.

palavras-chave: partidos políticos; ideologia política; survey; modelos de partido; eleições

Como citar:

Bolognesi, Bruno, Ribeiro, Ednaldo and Codato, Adriano. Uma Nova Classificação Ideológica dos Partidos Políticos Brasileiros. Dados, v. 66, n. 2, 2023. e20210164 https://doi.org/10.1590/dados.2023.66.2.303


outsiders na política

[Sérgio Moro e Jair Bolsonaro

Introduction: What is a political outsider and what is the relevance of this phenomenon in the contemporary political scenario? While the political success of individuals who build their careers outside established parties is not a novel phenomenon, it has become increasingly widespread since the 2010s, both in Brazil and in Europe. 

Materials and methods: Through a review of the specialized Political Science literature on the subject, we sought to establish the baselines for a conceptual definition of the political outsider and address how the phenomenon has been empirically analyzed. 

Results: Conceptually speaking, two dimensions proved to be essential for identifying outsiders: party affiliation and professional occupation. The first verifies the individual’s position in relation to the party system, whether they gained political prominence within or outside established parties, while the second identifies whether the individual had an occupation within the arena of institutional politics prior to running in an election. As for the empirical analyses of outsiders in politics, we found a lack of conceptual rigor in most of the reviewed studies when classifying certain political actors as outsiders. 

Discussion: Some conceptual and methodological challenges remain when striving to study the phenomenon, such as how to extend the concept to presidential candidates or to studies about outsiders in parliaments. Another issue is how to circumscribe the phenomenon among other correlated phenomena, such as the rise of populist leaders and/or parties and, above all, the electoral discourse of outsiders: while this is not an essential trait of the outsider, the anti-establishment rhetoric is almost invariably present through a denial of both traditional politics as well as career politicians.

Keywords: outsiders, populism, political discourse, political parties, narrative review

Como citar:

Picussa, R., & Codato, A. (2022). Outsiders na política: uma visão geral. In SciELO Preprintshttps://doi.org/10.1590/SciELOPreprints.4533
