30 de janeiro de 2021

political elites and representation | elites políticas e representação

[John F. Kennedy speaks with 
his brother and campaign manager 
Bobby in a Los Angeles hotel suite. 
The LIFE Picture 
Collection/Getty Images] 


Codato, A., Lorencetti, M., & Prata, B. (2020). 

Elites políticas e representação: uma investigação da literatura contemporânea sobre políticos profissionais
(Political elites and representation: investigating the contemporary literature on professional politicians)

In B. Bolognesi & G. da S. Peres (Eds.), Ciências Sociais hoje: Ciência Política (pp. 274–295). Zeppelini Publishers.

O tema da representação política é uma das grandes questões da ciência política. Ele engloba tanto os eleitores como as instituições representativas e os agentes que, nas democracias pluralistas, operam essas instituições: os políticos profissionais. Este artigo faz um mapa da literatura internacional sobre políticos profissionais. Foram analisados 560 artigos publicados entre 2015 e 2018 em 263 periódicos científicos indexados na plataforma Web of Science. Para entender os padrões presentes nessa literatura, utilizou-se o software de análise de redes bibliométricas VOSviewer. Analisaram- -se dois tipos de redes: coocorrência de palavras-chave a fim de identificar os temas de pesquisa recorrentes e os mais recentes; e acoplamento bibliográfico entre documentos para identificar não só comunidades nessa literatura, mas os trabalhos mais influentes. Os resultados mostraram a permanência de questões clássicas na área (interações intraelite, partidos, eleições, legislativo), mas também uma nova agenda vinculada à área de comunicação política. O trabalho de maior impacto nesse corpus é sobre políticos populistas e mídias sociais. 

Political representation is one of the major longstanding issues in Political Science, encompassing both voters and representative institutions and the agents who, in pluralist democracies, operate these institutions: professional politicians. This article maps the international literature on professional politicians. 560 articles published between 2015 and 2018 in 263 scientific journals indexed on the Web of Science database were analyzed. To understand the existing patterns within this literature, the bibliometric network analysis software VOSviewer was used. Two types of networks were analyzed: co-occurrence of keywords to identify recurring as well as most recent researched topics; and bibliographic coupling between documents to identify not only clusters in this literature, but also the most influential works. The results showed the endurance of classic issues in the field (intra-elite interactions, political parties, elections, congress), in addition to a new agenda addressing Political Communication. The most impactful work in this collection is on populist politicians and social media.


brazilian right-wing | las derechas brasileñas

[photo: José Cruz
Agência Brasil
15 mar. 2020] 


Bolognesi, B., Codato, A., Babireski, F., & Roeder, K. M. (2020). 

Hacia una clasificación ideológica y sociográfica de las derechas brasileñas

El objetivo del capitulo es analizar el perfil de los diputados federales brasilenos y su transformacion durante los ultimos 20 anos, subrayando lo que aparece como la decadencia de la derecha tradicional, la consolidacion de una “nueva derecha” parlamentaria, y el importante crecimiento de partidos de tipo “personalista”. Esta propuesta de clasificacion ideológica de los diferentes partidos sera completada por el analisis de su desempeno electoral y perfil sociografico.

In book: S. Alenda (Ed.), Anatomía de la derecha chilena: Estado, mercado y valores en tiempos de cambio (pp. 323–345). Fondo de Cultura Económica.


12 de janeiro de 2021

when context matters: analysis of the ministerial turnover in Argentina and Brazil after redemocratization

[bandeiras de 
Brasil (esq.) e Argentina (dir.)] 


This article tests two hypotheses concerning ministerial survival in two types of presidential regimes, namely coalition presidentialism (Brazil) and single party presidentialism (Argentina). 

First, it is assumed that ministers in Brazil would present a shorter life span in their positions than in Argentina, due to the need to accommodate party coalition demands. 

Subsequently, it is suggested that the reasons for ministers leaving their positions would be different precisely because the appointment logics of both presidential regimes are distinct. 

The first hypothesis is assessed by applying Kaplan-Meier survival tests. 

The second hypothesis is analyzed by identifying the reasons ministers left their positions, using primary sources. 

The literature emphasizes that institutional arrangements affect minister permanence lengths in their positions and the reasons by which they are dismissed, although we conclude that only the inclusion of the political and economic contexts of each presidential period aid towards a full understanding of ministerial survival dynamics in each country.

Keywords:  Ministerial recruitment; Ministerial dismissal; Kaplan-Meier method; Coalition presidentialism; One-party presidentialism

como citar:
Perissinotto, R., Codato, A., & Gené, M.. (2020). Quando o contexto importa. Análise do turnover ministerial na Argentina e no Brasil após a redemocratização. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 35(104), e3510412. https://doi.org/10.1590/3510412/2020


Political Science in Latin America: A Scientometric Analysis

[Visualization of the network of reciprocal citations 
between the 23 journals in the corpus of the study forming three clusters] 

Adriano Codato, Rafael Madeira, Maiane Bittencourt 

Political Science in Latin America: A Scientometric Analysis

Brazilian Political Science Review 2020 14 (3):e0007. DOI: 10.1590/1981-3821202000030005

Studies of Latin American political science are centered on analyses of national cases and are based on intellectual narratives about the institutional development and teaching of the discipline. In this article we take a different, more comprehensive and comparative approach. We distinguish and contrast two Latin American political sciences: one native to Latin America and published in journals from five countries in the region, and one foreign and published in journals from five countries outside the region. We use three types of bibliometric measures: 01. reciprocal citations in 23 academic journals indexed in the Scopus database; 02. co-occurrence of terms in titles and abstracts of 5,880 research articles published between 2006 and 2018; and 03. co-citations of authors in the bibliographies of said articles. The network of journals forms a well-defined archipelago with three clusters separated by language (English, Spanish and Portuguese). The community is divided along two main axes: political approaches versus sociological approaches. The study also points out that themes, authors, and methodologies are not significantly different between these two political sciences.

Keywords: bibliometric methods; Latin American Political Science; political science journals; Science mapping; theoretical traditions
