31 de janeiro de 2016

From public service to the Chamber of Deputies

[Projeto. Câmara dos Deputados e 
Senado Federal, Brasília - DF]

Codato, Adriano; FERREIRA, Ana Paula Lopes ; COSTA, Luiz Domingos . Do serviço público à Câmara dos Deputados: os parlamentares originários do funcionalismo público no Brasil. Revista do Serviço Público, v. 66, n. 4, p. 605-626, 2015.

The present study demonstrates the variations in the political and social profile of federal deputies originating from civil service and elected to the Chamber of Deputies between 1982 and 2010. We stem from the assumption that the higher the position occupied in the public sector, the lower the extension of the career up until the Chamber of Deputies, since positional capital would potentize one’s social and political resources. We noticed differences, albeit moderate, in the political career profile across different ranks in Brazil’s civil service. Nevertheless, the key finding concerns the differences found between parliamentarians when divided by ideological blocs. The electoral success of Brazilian civil servants depends less on attributes concerning their functions within the State bureaucracy and more on the influence that the ruling party may have over the electoral market and the propulsion it can provide to heir respective political careers.

[Research Gate]

11 de janeiro de 2016

women, blacks, and political parties in the 2014 federal elections in Brazil

[Bahia, Brasil
Walter Sanders
Life Photo Collection] 

Bolognesi, B., Perissinotto, R. M., and Codato, A. (2016) Reclutamiento político en Brasil. Mujeres, negros y partidos en las elecciones federales de 2014. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales 61(226): 183–212.

Abstract: Occupations like lawyer, physician and engineer have been regarded as a fundamental social resource for political success in Brazil´s institutional politics. The aim of this paper is to present a systematic approach on how occupations affect parliamentary recruitment. We tested the hypothesis by Norris and Lovenduski (1997) according to which some occupations are more prone to lead candidates to political success than others. Data used in the paper refer to 5.219 running candidates for the Deputies Chamber in the 2014 elections. We aggregated candidate's declared occupation into categories according to their capacity to produce more or less disposition to politics and tested the influence of this societal variable on candidate's electoral success or failure. The study also added other variables to occupation, as sex, skin colour and candidate's party size. Results reveal strong association between occupations with high political disposition and electoral success, for that matter even for women and candidate from small parties, but not for afro descendant candidates.

Keywords: occupations; political recruitment; political parties; professional politicians; brazilian elections.
