27 de maio de 2015

dinheiro, profissão e partido

[Senado Federal. Plenário
Teto com placas metálicas
Foto Edgard Cesar] 


Dinheiro, profissão e partido: a vitória na eleição para deputado federal no Brasil em 2010

Emerson Urizzi Cervi, Luiz Domingos Costa, Adriano Codato, Renato Perissinotto


A partir de banco de dados com 4.124 candidatos à Câmara dos Deputados nas eleições de 2010, este artigo avalia o peso das variáveis "ocupação", "tipo de partido político" e "financiamento das campanhas" no desempenho eleitoral dos competidores a uma cadeira no legislativo federal. O artigo conclui que pertencer a partidos políticos grandes e organizados, ter experiência política prévia (especialmente na própria Câmara dos Deputados) e possuir alta capacidade de arrecadação de recursos financeiros são condições fundamentais para determinar o sucesso eleitoral do candidato. Tais dados apontam para a profissionalização dos quadros eleitos no Brasil e para a crescente institucionalização do universo político nacional.

Palavras-Chave: eleições de 2010; deputado federal; financiamento de campanha; recrutamento político; político profissional

Sociedade e Estado, 30(1), 189-205

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26 de maio de 2015

institutional configuration of sport policy in Brazil

[Clube do Congresso.
Athos Bulcão.
Brasília - DF]

The institutional configuration of sport policy in Brazil: organization , evolution and dilemmas

Mendes, A.; Codato, A.

Brazil has become the center of the spotlight of the whole world recently, amongst many other reasons, one of them was because it was chosen to host a series of mega sporting events — Pan American Games in 2007, Confederations Football Cup in 2013, Fifa Football World Cup 2014 Games and 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016. However, little is known about the country’s administrative governmental structure focused on sport policy. The available studies focus their analysis on the sport policies content, but not on the arrangement of its structural decision-making. The main aim of this article is indeed to describe, based on official documentation, the evolution and the current arrangements of the government responsible for the administrative structure for the planning and implementation of sports policies in Brazil. Thus, we tried to list the main prob- lems arising from the organization of the Brazilian sports’ management. These problems are: (1) inappropriate institutional structure in terms of human resources and obstacles to participation by other social actors beyond the officials (parliament and members of the Ministry of Sports) in the sports policy; (2) disarticulation between public institutions generating redundancies and conflicts of jurisdiction due to the poor division of labor between bureaucracy agencies; and (3) inadequate planning proved by the lack of organization of some institutions, and by the lack of assessment and continuity of public policies over time. Therefore, we must emphasize those problems from above, and due to these administrative arrangements, Brazilian sports’ policy has big challenges in the sport development in this country, which includes the creation of a national “system” for sports and a priority investment in sport education.

Mendes, A. & Codato, A., 2015. The institutional configuration of sport policy in Brazil: organization , evolution and dilemmas. Revista de Administração Pública, 49(3), pp.563–593.

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