24 de novembro de 2011

intervenção estatal, centralização política e reforma burocrática

[President Vargas.
Hart Preston, 1940


Intervenção estatal, centralização política e reforma burocrática: o significado dos Departamentos Administrativos no Estado Novo. Revista do Serviço Público, 2011. http://bit.ly/w8SmKt

O objetivo deste artigo é expor e explicar um momento específico da evolução político-institucional brasileira. São explorados os conflitos que estão na origem da escolha e a implementação de uma nova ordem político-administrativa no pós-1930. São examinadas as origens, a concepção e os objetivos que guiaram a invenção de um aparelho burocrático que, juntamente com o Interventor Federal, não só controlou as elites políticas regionais, mas também contribuiu para a organização do poder do Estado em bases nacionais, cooperando para viabilizar a capacidade estatal: os Departamentos Administrativos. Analiso o contexto político, os antecedentes legais e as inovações institucionais do decreto-lei 1202/39 a fim de responder a duas questões bem específicas: por que e com que objetivo essa lei sobre a administração dos estados e dos municípios foi criada durante o Estado Novo.

State intervention, political centralization and bureaucratic reform: the meaning of the Administrative Departments in Estado NovoRevista do Serviço Público, 2011.

The purpose of this paper is to expose and explain a precise moment of the Brazilian political-institutional evolution. It explores the conflicts that are at the origin of choice and implementation of a new politico-administrative system in post-1930. The paper explores the origins, design and objectives that drove the invention of a bureaucratic apparatus which, together with the Federal Interventor, not only controls the regional political elites, but also contributed to the organization of state power on a national basis, cooperating to facilitate state capacity: the Administrative Department. I analyze the political context, legal history and the institutional innovations of the Decree-Law 1202/39 in order  to answer two very specific questions: why and for what purpose this law on the administration of state and local government was created during the Estado Novo.

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12 de novembro de 2011

mestrado em ciência política - ufpr

[Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands,
1942.  Frank Scherschel

Os candidatos ao Curso de Mestrado em Ciência Política poderão realizar sua inscrição na Secretaria do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Política, no Setor de Ciências Humanas Letras e Artes.

Rua General Carneiro, n. 460, 9° andar, sala 908, ou pelo correio, e por procuração.

Período de Inscrição: de 16/11 a 12/12/2011
Horário: de segunda a sexta-feira, 13h30 às 17h30.

OBS.: As inscrições pelo correio devem ser postadas via SEDEX até o dia 07 de dezembro.

Inscrições postadas com data posterior a 07 de dezembro de 2011 não serão aceitas.

As inscrições por procuração só serão aceitas se a procuração tiver firma reconhecida em Cartório.

Telefone para contato: 41 3360 5233, das 13h30 às 17h30.

mais informações

7 de novembro de 2011

da especialização ao trabalho em equipe: a ciência política hoje

[Congressman Max Schwabe 
reading his mail.
1943, Nina Leen

Rainer Eisfeld (Osnabrueck University, Germany)

Keynote Lecture at the Inaugural Session of the joint IPSA RC 37/RC 02 Conference on Rethinking Political Development: Multifaceted Role of Elites and Transforming Leadership
Winter Park, Florida, USA, November 7, 2011
Earlier this year, in a process in which it was my privilege to participate, the IPSA Executive Committee agreed on the first mission statement in our association’s history, which you may now find on the IPSA website. The statement includes two visions: one of service to the community, and a second of organizing research in a way meant to assure the high caliber of that service. Let me quote from the first:
“Political science…(aims) at contribut(ing) to the quality of public deliberation and decision-making… Ultimately, IPSA supports the role of political science in empowering men and women to participate more effectively in political life, whether within or beyond the states in which they live.”
I am labeling this statement a “vision”, not a description, because to a considerable extent it jars with Giovanni Sartori’s 2004 contention, according to which political science – at least American-type, largely quantitative political science – “is going nowhere… Practice-wise, it is a largely useless science that does not supply knowledge for use”.[1] A more recent, but no less skeptical assessment by Joseph Nye has been quoted to the effect that the discipline may be “moving in the direction of saying more and more about less and less”.[2]
In statements such as these, misgivings have peaked resulting from a debate about the compartmentalization, balkanization, fragmentation of political science that has continued to flare up. Reflecting preoccupations about how much relevant, stimulating, important work is being done in the discipline’s fields, that debate won unexpected media attention in November 2009, when a Republican senator’s motion, which would have prohibited the American National Science Foundation “from wasting federal research funding on political science projects”, obtained 36 votes in the U.S. Senate.[3] While it might be argued that the motion says more about the current Republican Party than about political science, the vote and the reasons put forward for the motion nevertheless may serve as a caveat to the discipline. I will return to the issue in a moment.
Appropriately enough, IPSA in its mission statement aims at strengthening the discipline  so that it may better cope with the envisioned purpose of serving democracy. Again, I quote:
“IPSA’s research committees encourage the world-wide pooling of skills and resources by working both together and in conjunction with specialist sub-groups of national associations… By linking scholars from North and South as well as East and West, IPSA seeks to strengthen the networks that underpin a global political science community.”
Some 40 years ago, at the VIII World Congress held in Munich in 1970, IPSA decided to institutionalize research activities throughout the world by setting up research committees. The immediate establishment of a large number of such committees signaled that our association had indeed responded to a growing demand for sustained cooperation among political scientists. Since 2006, IPSA has been pursuing a policy of strengthening already existing, and forging additional, links among Research Committees, as well as between these and the national political science associations which belong to IPSA as collective members. Efforts at teamwork across sub-fields and across countries are deemed essential for creating synergies and making the most of existing specialization. The present workshop furnishes a perfect example of what the IPSA Executive Committee hoped to achieve when it embarked on its policy. Again, I will enlarge on these considerations shortly.
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fonte: http://www.ipsa.org/